Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where I'd Rather Be Wednesday

This Wednesday I'd rather be.... in Waco, Texas studying for finals!Alright, I know it's not a great vacation place, but during this time of year I always wish I could go back to my time in college...specifically during finals. Ok, so call me crazy...but my favorite time of the year in college was finals! I loved everything about finals! I love the crazy, stay up all night studying that comes witht was truly a bonding time for me with whomever I was studying with (usually AMP, KKS and whatever Sig Eps happened to be studying at our apartment). I think there is something magical on Baylor's campus during finals...everyone knows the end is so near, but the finals draw people together. You start talking to people in your classes that you usually didn't talk with. You start actually learning about the classes you are taking! (Or maybe that was just me?) Everyone during finals is's crazy to think about! There always seemed a point during finals where you were like "I'm going to fail this test, fail this class, never get a job, my life is over." But the some study partner would just hand you another Red Bull or Monster and you would pull through. And then suddenly the finals are over and you get SUMMER! No school, no responsibilities....just great weather and the pool.

So in remembrance of my college days I would rather be at Baylor in Waco, TX freaking out over studying for finals....

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