1. When at the grocery store (or any other store with carts), I always put the cart back in it's proper location. I cannot stand when I see carts randomly around parking lots!
2. I have been scared of elevators since I saw Speed back in the '90s. Every time I step into one, I think that it is going to drop. (Oh and BTW, I work on the 16
th floor...so this is everyday)
3. I check US Weekly,
WFAA, and CNN at least once every hour. I secretly have always wanted a job that is tied to the news, but I don't think that is coming anytime soon..
4. I have seen Sleepless in Seattle over 100 times. I could repeat it to you word for word...I could even repeat the special commentary by the director & co-writer Nora
Ephron. If you have a question about the movie, I probably know the answer to it.
5. Even though I say I hate confrontation, I know that usually it is better to has out the situation and come to a resolution then just do nothing. (Something I learned from my
bestie, AMP)
6. I am convinced I am going to live in Europe for just a little bit of my life. The way my life is right now, nothing is falling in place for that, but I still dream of that...
7. I love that fact that I have lived in the South for all of my life. And I really, really want a Southern accent. I hope my kids have one!
8. I don't think I have ever said no to trying a new food...I am very open minded in that aspect.
9. Deep-down I am very organized, it's just the most seen part where I become messy. If you look under the pile on mail on the table, you will see that I dust every 2 weeks.
10. When I get bored, I plan trips. I have like a million trips planned. If you ever need trip suggestions, let me know!